Last week I had the week off, which was nice. Nice just to be away from the office for a while. A chance to unwind, relax and do some fun things. Let me give you a brief glimpse of what my time off contained:

Saturday: Went to watch Saints stuff Gillingham 4-1.

Sunday: Hung out with friends, had a nice dinner at the Cowherds pub.

Monday: Spent the day playing games. Bar the weekly Tesco shopping trip.

Tuesday: Went into town with Kat. Had my first proper Japanese lesson.

Wednesday: Lord of the Rings marathon. Watched all three extended editions back to back.

Thursday: Went to a Garden Centre for lunch, dinner at Banana Wharf for a friend’s birthday.

Friday: Watched some Prison Break and played some InFamous

Saturday: Baked some cookies.

Sunday: Went to see my Nana. Drove down the coast to Sandbanks. Dinner at Prezzo in Romsey.


All in all it was a nice long week. Today was my first day back at work. And what a day it’s been.

I got up quite early and got dressed, washed etc, all fairly normal. Then headed off to the dentist. I mentioned in my previous post about how my last appointment got cancelled on the way so was glad to get to the dentists without receiving a call. I arrived just before 8.30am, which was good because my appointment was at 8.30am! I walk into the building, noticing the opening hours written on the wall. The practice opens at 8.30am. Brilliant, I’ll be first in, no delays.

Twenty minutes later I get called in. Twenty minutes!? How in the bluest of blue hells has the dentist run twenty minutes late by the time of his first appointment?

Anyways, in I go to be met by this little German man (judging by his accent). He tells me to sit with him by his PC so I can see how he works. Thought that was odd. Never cared how the dentist does his paperwork, just how he does the treatment itself. Then he sits me in the big chair and roots around in my mouth for five minutes. Then he says he agrees with the treatment that the previous dentist recommended and was going to crack on with it.

The previous dentist recommended three fillings. After 20 minutes or so I was done, to be told to come back next week for the fillings to be done. What? You agreed that the fillings needed to be done and then didn’t do them? What the hell DID you do in my mouth? Whatever it was it involved 3 injections, some drilling, some stuff being stuck on a tooth, some more injections, some stuff sprayed in my mouth, some more drilling and a fair bit of blood.

I left numb and dumb. I drove to work, turned on my PC and waited a whole 15 minutes for the damn thing to be ready to use. 15 minutes! That’s a new record. Half of that time was for the PC to boot up, the other half for logging in to the network. I needn’t have rushed to the 112 emails that awaited me because I couldn’t log in to Lotus Notes (the rubbish e-mail client we use). Apparently my Lotus Notes password needed to be synched with my Windows password, except it wouldn’t let me change it because my chosen password wasn’t secure enough. WHAT?!

Of course, due to the fact I still couldn’t feel my bottom lip… or my entire jaw for that matter, I couldn’t speak very well. Other than causing my boss to laugh at me this did mean I couldn’t go on the phones and speak to customers. It was lunch by the time I could talk at a level which could be understood by our customers. I kinda wish it lasted longer…

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